Couples counseling includes the foundational elements of individual sessions, so that the well-being of each person in the couple (trio or other small group) can find solid ground internally – with increased self-awareness and resource to support external change:
- Guided inquiry and reflection
- Somatic and cognitive approaches to resolving inner-conflict
- Self-care practices for ongoing support
We build on these with:
- Learning to witness each other compassionately and self-express with integrity
- Healing and reconciliation practices
- In-the-moment coaching for building confidence and authentic connection outside of sessions
Special areas of focus include:
- Bridging the gap – between different communication and parenting styles, ethnicity and other dimensions of diversity
- Shifting from blame to dilemma: Resolving previously irreconcilable issues through the lens of “both/and” rather than “either/or”
- Supporting alternative life style relationships